The Department of Health has engaged the PPA to coordinate the COVID-19 vaccine rollout EOI process, more information is available here.

The PPA is currently developing an online response form for completion by interested community pharmacies.  A link to the online response form will be emailed to community pharmacies with an account on the PPA Portal on Friday 5 February 2021.  The online response form will require pharmacies to:

  • Provide information regarding their capability, including a response as to whether they meet, or will meet, the site readiness requirements provided at Attachment A
  • Submit information regarding their capacity, including information such as opening hours, staffing levels and estimated number of vaccines able to be administered daily
  • Provide a declaration in relation to the responses included in the EOI.

Community pharmacies without a PPA account should contact the Support Centre via, to request a personalised response link.

The PPA will work collaboratively with the Department to consider each EOI and approve community pharmacies to participate in the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines.  A notification regarding approval will be emailed to each community pharmacy that submits an EOI.

Date Milestone
1 February 2021 Information on EOI process and requirements published on Health website and PPA website
5 February 2021 EOI process opens / Link to EOI response form sent
19 February 2021 EOI close date / Last date for submitting EOI responses
19 March 2021 (date TBC) Respondents notified of outcome