In January 2022, the Department introduced the temporary CRTCA program to provide rapid antigen tests (RATs) to eligible Commonwealth concession card holders.
As indicated in National Cabinet’s announcement on 11 March 2022, the temporary program is scheduled to cease at midnight on 31 July 2022.
From 1 August 2022, your pharmacy will:
- not be able to supply any further Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) under the Program; and will
- no longer have access to the ProjectCOVID module in GuildCare.
We advise that you:
- should enter all transactions (claims) into ProjectCOVID prior to midnight on 31 July, noting that there will be no ability to submit transactions after this time and transactions not submitted by this time will not be paid. Due to the claiming arrangements for this Program, there will be no ability for the PPA to consider Exceptional Circumstances (EC) requests and it is therefore critical that all claims are finalised by this date.
- may wish to consider generating any ProjectCOVID reports that you require prior to midnight 31 July and saving them locally for your own records, as these will also no longer be accessible once the ProjectCOVID module is deactivated.
The Department, the PPA and GuildLink sincerely thank pharmacies for their participation in the CRTCA Program over the course of the last six months.