Take Home Naloxone Program

Dear Service Provider,
Thank you for your continued support of the Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program.
As you may be aware, there is currently a shortage on some naloxone products. The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the continued pressure that pharmacies and Authorised Alternative Suppliers may be experiencing and is working with sponsors for affected products to provide updates on stock availability and management actions.
Please note however, that the Pharmacy Programs Administrator (PPA) has no visibility on stock levels held by wholesalers. The PPA is therefore unable to advise on where to obtain more stock for your service. During the shortage, you may be able to supply an alternative brand or presentation that is available.
Information on the reported shortages is published on the TGA website. Please check this website regularly for the latest information.

Where to access Take Home Naloxone (THN)
The Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program participating site locator is now available and replaces the lists of participating sites on the PPA website. We encourage you to visit the THN Program participating site locator which is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website. Any queries regarding the THN site locator can be sent to the Department at s100programs@health.gov.au.
Please note: some Service Providers registered for the THN Program may have limited or no naloxone stock available. You may wish to contact each Service Provider to check they have stock, prior to attending the site. 

The Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program will make the medicine naloxone free and available without a prescription to people who are at risk of, or who may witness, an opioid overdose or adverse reaction. The 2022-23 Federal Budget included $19.6 million (over four years), for a national, ongoing THN Program. The program was initially piloted in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia before being expanded nationally from 1 July 2022.

Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses the effects of an opioid overdose or adverse reaction. It can be administered by injection or via a nasal spray.

Under the THN Program, naloxone (as either Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL), Naloxone Juno, NALOXONE SXP, Nyxoid, and Prenoxad) is available for free in all Australian States and Territories to people who are at risk of, or who may witness, an opioid overdose or adverse reaction. A prescription is not required for supply and individuals can access naloxone from participating sites, which (depending on the State/Territory) may include community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, alcohol and other drug treatment services, injecting centres, homelessness/outreach services and dispensing doctors.

Individuals receiving naloxone 

Naloxone is available for free in all Australian States and Territories to people who are at risk of, or who may witness, an opioid overdose or adverse reaction.

Specifically, the THN Program aims to make naloxone free and easily available for:

  • People who are at risk of an overdose or adverse reaction, which includes people who use illicit drugs and people who use prescription opioid medications
  • Carers, friends, and family.

Sites providing naloxone 

Participating sites providing naloxone to individuals are defined as either an Approved Provider or an Authorised Alternative Supplier (AAS).

Eligibility to take part in the THN Program requires providers to meet a set of criteria that are specific to each provider-type, as well as their State/Territory having enabling legislation in place. Eligibility criteria can be found in the THN Program Rules.

Approved Providers 

Approved Providers under the THN Program, are community pharmacies, hospital-based pharmacies and approved medical practitioners, who will supply naloxone and then be reimbursed by the PPA.

Authorised Alternative Suppliers

If approved by their State/Territory, organisations such as alcohol and other drug treatment services, injecting centres, and homelessness/outreach services can also supply naloxone as an AAS. Information about registering to become an AAS can be found by contacting the State/Territory authority in the relevant jurisdiction (most commonly the Health Department).

Naloxone is provided to AASs by pharmaceutical wholesalers, s94 hospitals or the Western Australia Mental Health Commission, depending on the State/Territory’s agreed process. AASs are not reimbursed for the supply of naloxone to an individual.

Following the evaluation of the Take Home Naloxone Pilot Program, the 2022-23 Federal Budget included $19.6 million over 4 years ($4.9 million in ongoing funds) to implement a National THN Program across all Australian States and Territories commencing from 1 July 2022.

More information about the Take Home Naloxone Pilot which ran from 1 December 2019 to 30 June 2022 can be found here.

Participating sites are required to provide data to the PPA, via the PPA portal. The data fields collected depend on what type of organisation is participating and the type of supply they are providing. The data allows the PPA to make payments and allows the Commonwealth to understand the uptake of the program.

Approved Providers: Community pharmacies (S90) and Approved Medical Practitioners (S92)

Information on data collection for the supply of naloxone to individuals can be found in Appendix A of the THN Program Rules.

Approved Providers: Hospital pharmacies (S94)

Two models of naloxone supply will operate for hospital pharmacies:

  • Individual supply arrangements, where naloxone is provided by a hospital pharmacy to an individual (maximum two supplies per visit).  S94 pharmacies in all States and Territories may participate in individual supply arrangements from 1 July 2022 (see Appendix A of the THN Program Rules)
  • Bulk supply arrangements, where the hospital pharmacy will act as a ‘wholesaler’ and supply to certain AAS sites. Bulk supply arrangements vary according to jurisdiction the hospital pharmacy is located in. As at 1 November 2022, all states will be able to submit bulk supply claims if approved by the relevant jurisdiction (see Appendix B of the THN Program Rules).

Authorised Alternative Suppliers

Approved AASs can currently supply naloxone to individuals (maximum of two supplies of naloxone per visit). Organisations that wish to seek approval for supplying naloxone should contact their relevant State/Territory health department for further information.

The method of data collection differs depending on the state the AAS is located in. See Appendix A of the THN Program Rules for more information about data collection.

Wholesalers and WA MHC

See Appendix A of the THN Program Rules for more information about data collection for Wholesalers and WA MHC.

Payments relating to the supply of naloxone under the THN Program are made in accordance with the provider type (e.g. community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy etc) and supply type (individual or bulk) and include GST. Rates are as per the relevant listing on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the payment rate applied is as at the date of supply, not the date a claim is lodged. Current payment rates are listed in the tables below (noting the payment rates in the table are GST exclusive).

To view previous payment rates under the Take Home Naloxone Program please click here.

To view previous payment rates under the Take Home Naloxone Pilot please click here.

Community pharmacies (s90)

Product Individual supply 1 pack (ex GST) Individual supply 2 packs (ex GST)
Nyxoid  (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)  $50.40 $92.13
Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)  $37.43 $66.19
Naloxone Juno  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)  $30.90 $53.13
Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL)  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $30.90 $53.13
NALOXONE SXP  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $30.90 $53.13


Hospital pharmacies (s94)

Public hospitals

Product Individual supply 1 pack (ex GST)  Individual supply 2 packs (ex GST) Bulk supply (ex GST)
Nyxoid  (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)  $36.94 $73.88 $34.36
Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)  $23.97 $47.94 $22.29
Naloxone Juno  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)  $17.44 $34.88 $20.56
Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL)  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $17.44 $34.88 $20.56
NALOXONE SXP  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $17.44 $34.88 $20.56

Private hospitals

Product Individual supply 1 pack (ex GST)  Individual supply 2 packs (ex GST) Bulk supply (ex GST)
Nyxoid  (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)  $46.13 $83.59 $34.36
Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)  $32.98 $57.29 $22.29
Naloxone Juno  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)  $26.35 $44.03 $20.56
Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL)  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $26.35 $44.03 $20.56
NALOXONE SXP  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $26.35 $44.03 $20.56


Approved Medical Practitioners (s92)

Product Individual supply 1 pack (ex GST)  Individual supply 2 packs (ex GST)
Nyxoid  (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)  $50.40 $92.13
Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)  $37.43 $66.19
Naloxone Juno  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)  $30.90 $53.13
Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL)  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $30.90 $53.13
NALOXONE SXP  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $30.90 $53.13


WA MHC and Wholesalers

Product Bulk supply
(ex GST) 
Nyxoid  (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)  $34.36
Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe) $22.29
Naloxone Juno  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)  $16.22
Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL)  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $16.22
NALOXONE SXP  (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules) $16.22


Take Home Naloxone FAQ

  1. From 1 July 2022, naloxone can be supplied free of charge and without a prescription to an individual under the THN Program, across all States and Territories in Australia.

  2. From 1 July 2022, registered Approved Providers, across all States and Territories in Australia can participate in the THN Program, and make a claim for payment via the PPA Portal. This applies for individual supply only.

    Registered approved providers include community (s90) pharmacies, hospital (s94) pharmacies and approved (s92) medical practitioners.

    For other organisation types, known under this program as Approved Alternative Suppliers (AAS) see questions 14 and 15.

  3. The following types of naloxone are available under the THN Program:

    Nyxoid (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)

    Prenoxad (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)

    Naloxone Juno (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)

    Naloxone Hydrochloride (DBL) (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5 x 1 mL ampoules)

    NALOXONE SXP (naloxone hydrochloride 400 microgram/mL injection, 5×1 mL ampoules)

  4. If you are an s90 or s94 pharmacy or approved medical practitioner (s92), you will need to order stock through your normal wholesaler/s.

    Any stock given out as part of the THN Program can then be claimed for payment via the PPA Portal.

    Authorised Alternative Suppliers (AAS) ordering mechanisms depend on the State or Territory you are located in, please contact your relevant State or Territory health department.

  5. You can provide a participant with a maximum of two times the PBS maximum quantity of product per visit.  This may be two units of the same product or one unit of two different products.  For example:

    2 x Nyxoid (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation)


    1 x Nyxoid (naloxone 1.8 mg/actuation nasal spray, 2×1 actuation) and
    1 x Prenoxad  (naloxone hydrochloride 1 mg/mL injection, 2 mL syringe)

  6. No. You may provide naloxone to anyone who is at risk of an overdose or adverse reaction, even if they are not currently taking opioids. You may also give naloxone to anyone who may be likely to witness an overdose (this includes carers, friends, family and community members).

  7. Yes. There is no limit to the number of visits an individual can make to pick up naloxone.

    Each visit however, must be entered as a separate individual supply claim in the PPA Portal.

  8. The selection should be based on your conversation with the individual. It is also fine to supply one unit of two different products (for example one unit of Nyxoid and one unit of Prenoxad).

  9. No. If you dispense a prescription for naloxone you cannot also then claim supply through the THN Program.

    Audit and compliance activities may be undertaken to ensure stock claimed through the PBS is not double claimed through the PPA portal.

  10. Supply fees differ depending on your organisation type, which naloxone product/s you have supplied and when you supplied them. You cannot charge the individual any additional fees on top of the THN Program remuneration.

    Please refer to the Payments section of this page for this information.

  11. An individual claim is made when naloxone has been given directly to an individual (i.e. a person at risk of experiencing or witnessing an opioid overdose or adverse reaction).

    Please see the Program Rules for further information on the organisations who can submit this claim type.

  12. A bulk claim is made when naloxone stock has been provided to an Authorised Alternative Supplier (AAS).

    Please see the Program Rules for further information on the organisations who can submit this claim type. Bulk supply arrangements vary depending on the State or Territory.

  13. Organisations who supply naloxone to Authorised Alternative Supplier (AAS) in any States or Territory can claim for bulk supplies.

    More information about bulk supplies in the THN Program can be found in the Program Rules. Additional information on State or Territory specific AAS arrangements can also be obtained by contacting the relevant health department.

  14. AAS sites in all States and Territories are now eligible to participate in the THN Program.

    More information about AAS’s involvement in the THN Program can be found in the Program Rules. Additional information on State or Territory specific AAS arrangements can also be obtained by contacting the relevant health department.

  15. No, you will not receive payment for providing naloxone to individuals under the THN Program. You are however, required to enter supply claim data in order to participate in the THN Program.

  16. If you are a doctor approved to dispense pharmaceutical benefits under section 92 of the National Health Act 1953 you can participate in the THN Program. S92 Approved Medical Practitioners are usually located in very remote locations that have no local pharmacy or access to a pharmacist. Almost all medical practitioners are therefore not approved under section 92 and so can’t directly supply naloxone and claim for reimbursement under the THN Program under this organisation type.

    If you are a doctor working in another organisation your organisation may be eligible to participate as an Approved Alternative Supplier (AAS).  For more information contact your relevant State or Territory health department.

    Alternatively, if your organisation is not eligible to be an AAS you may instead refer your patients to their local participating community, hospital pharmacy or other participating service.

  17. Each State or Territory will have different jurisdictional requirements surrounding naloxone. Please contact your relevant State or Territory health department for confirmation and guidance.

  18. Please contact the PPA Support Centre to advise that your pharmacy no longer wishes to participate in the THN Program. The PPA can cancel your registration for the THN Program on the PPA Portal – noting that further claims cannot be submitted after cancellation. You can then contact your State or Territory health department to remove you from their list of participating pharmacies. If your pharmacy decides in future they would like to once again participate, you can re-register for the THN Program on the PPA Portal. 

    If you are an AAS who no longer wishes to participate, please contact your State or Territory health department.

  19. The Take Home Naloxone Pilot ran in NSW, SA and WA between 1 December 2019 and 30 June 2022. More information can be found here.

  20. No. S19A Nyxoid (UK) can only be provided under the THN Program from 1 October 2023 to 1 November 2024. Fees are payable based on the date the naloxone was supplied.

    Please enter all outstanding S19A Nyxoid (UK) claims into the PPA Portal prior to 1 February 2025. No Exceptional Circumstance requests will be accepted.

A leaflet for Patients who may require Naloxone can be found here.

A Naloxone poster for pharmacists can be found here

A short Naloxone information video for pharmacists who dispense prescription opioids can be found here.

A video on how to use Naloxone nasal spray (Nyxoid) can be found here.

A PPA Portal demonstration video for Authorised Alternative Suppliers (AAS) can be found here.

The Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP) THN Training modules and printable resources can be found here.