The Department of Health and Aged Care (Department) recently announced an extension to the transition period implemented upon the closure of the Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy (AACP).
The Department have contracted the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) to develop ongoing accreditation standards and oversight of training programs for companies providing accreditation services to pharmacists. As this process continues, the Department has elected to extend the initial transition period of AACP Medicine Review Numbers (MRNs).
AACP MRNs will therefore now remain valid within the PPA Portal until 30 June 2024, or until organisations have completed accreditation with APC – whichever occurs sooner, to ensure pharmacists with current credentials can continue to utilise their existing AACP Accreditation to provide services.
Specific details regarding how this may affect your current accreditation or recent transfer can be found in the FAQ section of the HMR and RMMR program pages with further information expected to be announced over the coming year as it becomes available.