Students from rural and remote locations or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are studying pharmacy, or intending to study pharmacy in 2021 can now apply for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme (ATSIPSS) and Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme (RPSS).

Applications for the RPSS annual round opened on 2 November 2020 and will close on 31 January 2021.
At least 30 scholarships will be offered for 2021.

Applicants are advised that RPSS funding is only confirmed for one year, with a value of up to $10,000.

The ATSIPSS 2021 annual round opened on 2 November 2020 and the initial application period will run until 31 January 2021. At least three scholarships will be offered for 2021.

If any ATSIPSS scholarships remain after all applications from this period have been assessed, the annual round will remain open and further applications can be submitted throughout the year until all scholarships have been allocated. 

Applicants are advised that ATSIPSS funding is only confirmed for one year, with a value of up to $15,000.

Applying for scholarships

You can apply via the Pharmacy Programs Administrator (PPA) Registration and Claiming Portal. 

To apply for a scholarship, you will need to follow the steps below:

1. Register with a new account on the PPA Portal

In order to submit an application, you will need to register as a new user on the PPA Portal. Please complete all fields of the new user registration form and click register.

A screenshot of the PPA portal login screen, with the Register as a new user link highlighted with a red box

2. Verify your email address

You will be sent a verification email.  You will need to verify your email address before you can log in to begin your scholarship application.

3. Login to the PPA Portal and follow the links to scholarship application

Once you have verified your user account and successfully logged into the PPA Portal you can begin your scholarship application by clicking on the scholarships banner at the top of the home page. Once your email address has been successfully verified, this will take your directly to the scholarship application forms.

A screenshot of the PPA home screen, with the Scholarships application link at the top of the page highlighted with a red box

Note: Scholarship applicants do not need to register for a role at this time, please do not complete this section.

Once successfully logged into the portal, you’ll be able to save your application as a draft and return to it at any time.  To begin your application, click here.

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship application process, please contact the Support Centre on 1800 951 285 or email

For more information on the Rural Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme, click here.

For more information on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme, click here.