RACHs applications to participate in Tier 2 of the ACOP Measure (i.e. a RACH receiving payments to engage an ACOP), can be submitted via the PPA Portal. See ‘Applying and Claiming for the Measure’ below for the information you’ll need to provide in the RACH application.

The Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP) Measure responds to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, in particular Recommendation 38, and is intended to improve medication management and safety for residents through aged care credentialed pharmacists working on-site in RACHs in a clinical role.

Under Tier 2 of the Measure RACHs claim and receive payments to engage an ACOP to work at the home.

RACHs are able to apply to participate in Tier 2 of the Measure from 1 July 2024, provided they have been unsuccessful in sourcing an ACOP from at least one community pharmacy, under Tier 1 of the Measure. RACHs will receive funding for the ACOP via monthly claims submitted in the PPA Registration and Claiming Portal (PPA Portal). 

Information about the alternative Tier 1 of the Measure is available via a separate webpage located here. Under Tier 1 of the Measure eligible RACHs can identify and partner with a Section 90 community pharmacy to provide an ACOP to the home. Under this arrangement, the community pharmacy claims and receives payments to engage an ACOP to be placed in a particular RACH.

The ACOP Measure aims to:

  • Improve medication use and safety in the residential aged care home, including safe and appropriate use of high risk medications
  • Provide for continuity in medication management, such as day-to-day review of medications and prompt issue resolution
  • Provide easy access to pharmacist advice for residents and staff
  • Integrate on-site pharmacists with the health care team, including local general practitioners, nurses and community pharmacy
  • Increase understanding and response to individual resident needs.

Residential Aged Care Home Eligibility

Section 4.1 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules provides information regarding eligibility for RACHs to participate in Tier 2 of the Measure. Section 4.2 provides additional information about the Tier 2 eligibility requirement for a RACH to have attempted to partner with a pharmacy under Tier 1 of the Measure.

RACHs will be eligible to receive differing levels of ACOP support based upon the number of beds at the home. The following table outlines the ACOP Full Time Employment (FTE) entitlement under the Measure for RACHs of differing sizes.

RACH Bed Band FTE rate, per eligible home† Maximum on-site days per week‡ Maximum on-site days per month Maximum on-site days per financial year* Maximum annual pharmacy payment amount based on FTE (ex GST)
1-50 0.2 1 5 45.5 $27,595.75
51-100 0.4 2 10 91 $55,191.50
101-150 0.6 3 15 136.5 $82,787.25
151-200 0.8 4 19 182 $110,383.00
201-250 1.0 5 23 228 $138,282.00
251-300 1.2 6 28 237.5 $165,877.75
≥301 1.4 7 33 319 $193,473.50

† based on 1FTE ACOP per 250 beds
‡ on-site days are as per regular schedule with RACH
*This is to ensure that pharmacies are not paid over their maximum annual entitlement. If the ACOP works the maximum on-site days each month, then the maximum days which can be worked per financial year will be reached before the end of the financial year.

RACHs providing respite-only care are not eligible to access funding for an ACOP through the Measure.

Aged Care On-site Pharmacist Eligibility

See section 5.2 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules for ACOP eligibility.

To support uptake of the ACOP Measure and transition of Medication Management Review (MMR) credentialed pharmacists to an ACOP role, MMR credentialed pharmacists will be grandfathered as ACOP credentialed temporarily until 30 June 2025.

MMR credentialed pharmacists will need to have undertaken additional education required to gain ACOP credentialing through an Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) accredited ACOP training course or APC accredited ACOP recognition of prior learning (RPL) process by 1 July 2025.


To participate and claim in respect of Tier 2 of the ACOP Measure, eligible RACHs must first create a Service Provider account in the PPA Portal. The account must be created by someone with the authority to register the RACH for the Measure.

Please note this must be a RACH authorised employee and must not be the credentialed pharmacist who will be working at the RACH under the Measure or an individual from a third-party organisation assisting the RACH to source an ACOP. The Main Authorised Person (MAP) will be the individual that ultimately has overall control of the RACH’s PPA Portal account, with the ability to modify details such as the bank details for payments.

As part of the Service Provider account registration the following details will need to be provided:

  • Upload evidence that the person creating the account has the authority to do so (see example document)
  • RACH Location Details
  • GST status
  • ABN
  • RACH bank details
  • RACH contact number(s)
  • RACH email.

Only the Main Authorised Person for the RACH will be able to update the RACH contact and bank details in the PPA Portal.

Once the Service Provider account has been submitted and approved, an application must be lodged with the PPA in the PPA Portal with the following information:

  • ACOP intended start date (noting ACOPs cannot start work on-site at the RACH under the Measure until the RACH application has been approved by the PPA)
  • A copy of the signed Tier 2 RACH Application Form (see template that must be used here) confirming that:
    • The RACH meets all eligibility criteria as per the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules
    • The RACH has been unsuccessful in sourcing an ACOP under Tier 1 of the Measure (i.e. approached or has been approached by at least one s90 community pharmacy but was not able to reach agreement to partner in respect of Tier 1 of the Measure). Details of the contact made will also be required. Information about the details to be recorded in this regard is set out in Section 4.2 of the Rules
    • The RACH does not have RMMR, QUM Service Agreements or another ACOP Measure Service Authorisation in place; or has provided termination notices to other RMMR/QUM/ACOP Service Providers
    • The on-site work will be undertaken by the ACOP in full or half day blocks and as per a regular work schedule, and
    • Where the RACH is part of a corporate or not-for-profit group, that the RACH manager and a representative at the head office is aware that the facility is participating in the Measure has confirmed that the proposed arrangements meet all Measure eligibility requirements.

The RACH Application Form must be signed by the RACH manager and, where applicable, a head office representative.


To claim under the Measure, eligible RACHs must first:

  • Create a user login and subsequent RACH Service Provider account in the Pharmacy Programs Administrator Portal.
  • Submit a RACH Application – see above
  • Have their RACH Application approved by the PPA.  

ACOPs can only work on-site under the Measure on or after the Start Date listed in the Portal against the approved application.

Payments for the costs of engaging an ACOP can be claimed via the PPA Portal and are submitted as a single monthly claim per RACH based on the number of days an ACOP worked on-site at the RACH during the month. Claims in respect of each calendar month are made in arrears and must be submitted by the end of the following calendar month (i.e. ACOP days worked in July must be claimed between 1 and 31 August inclusive). There is a maximum number of days that can be claimed in respect of a participating RACH, based upon that home’s bed numbers and corresponding ACOP FTE entitlement (see RACH Eligibility above). For example, in respect of a RACH eligible to receive 1.0 FTE ACOP, the RACH can claim up to 228 on-site days per financial year. This reflects the maximum possible working days for a full-time employee taking into account an assumed 20 days of annual leave and a maximum of 13 public holidays.  

More information on what can be claimed can be found in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules. Step by step information on how to register and claim in the PPA Portal can be found in the ACOP RACH Portal User Guide, which is also available in the Rules and Other Downloads section below.

Payments in relation to the Measure will generally be made within 3 business days of a claim being submitted. Claiming arrangements are outlined in section 6.2 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

RACHs will be paid $606.50 (plus GST) for each full day that an ACOP is working on-site at the RACH. The payment is intended to cover the ACOP’s pay and on-costs.

Time travelling to/from a RACH, and transport or accommodation costs are not included in funding for the Measure.

Information such as how the daily payment rate was calculated, the maximum days that can be worked on-site at a RACH, and matters the RACH should consider when determining the appropriate payment to be made to the ACOP can be found in section 6.1 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

RACHs and ACOPs participating in the Measure may be subject to audits by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (or its representative) to ensure compliance with the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules. Participating RACHs and individuals must provide all records requested as part of such audit(s).

The ACOP must maintain a weekly timesheet and activities summary, signed by a RACH representative, for auditing purposes.

The RACH must:

  • Retain full and accurate records (i.e. rosters, engagement contracts, the ACOP’s signed weekly timesheet and activities summaries etc) in relation to the engagement of ACOPs for no less than seven years after the request for payment.
  • Such records must be kept in a manner that permits them to be conveniently and properly audited.

An audit may include:

  • Requests for verification by the ACOP of the ACOPs days/hours reported by the RACH when seeking payment of Measure salary funds
  • Requests for verification by the RACH and ACOP of regular working arrangements and activities undertaken by the ACOP
  • Requests for copies of ACOP employment/engagement contracts.

RACHs that wrongfully or incorrectly receive payments under this Measure and/or do not meet the requirements set out in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules may be subject to compliance action (as determined by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care) and repayment may be required. Under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code, giving false and misleading information is a serious offence. If an audit/compliance action is to be conducted, RACHs engaging an ACOP or pharmacists that are engaged as an ACOP by a RACH will be required to produce documentation within a specified time frame.

For more information on audit, please read section 7 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

RACH Participation and Eligibility Requirements

  1. To be eligible to engage an ACOP under the Measure, the RACH must be:

    • An aged care home that receives a residential care home subsidy from the Australian Government in accordance with the Aged Care Act 1997, or
    • A Multi-Purpose Services (MPS), or
    • An Australian Government funded transition care facility, or
    • Receiving funding under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care program.

    The RACH must:

    • Have attempted and not been successful in partnering with a community pharmacy in respect of Tier 1 of the Measure.

    RACHs providing respite-only care are not eligible to access funding for an ACOP through the Measure.

    See sections 4.1 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules for all RACH eligibility requirements.

    The amount of support, in terms of the ACOP FTE entitlement, that a RACH is eligible to receive corresponds to the number of beds at the RACH. See Table 1 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules for a breakdown of the FTE entitlement based on the number of beds at a RACH.

  2. Under Tier 1 of the Measure eligible RACHs can identify and partner with a Section 90 community pharmacy to provide an ACOP to the home. Under this arrangement, the pharmacy will engage the ACOP and provide them to the RACH to work on-site according to an agreed schedule. Please see the Tier 1 webpage for more information.

    Under Tier 2, RACHs can participate and receive funding directly to engage an ACOP where they have been unsuccessful in sourcing an ACOP following approaching or being approached by at least one community pharmacy (Tier 1 of the Measure).

  3. It is not mandatory for RACHs to participate.

    Where an ACOP is not engaged, there will continue to be funding for aged care residents and RACHs to receive pharmacist support under the Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) and Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR) Pharmacy Programs. The continuation of QUM and RMMR Pharmacy Programs in the longer term are subject to future funding arrangements.

  4. RACHs may approach a credentialed pharmacist directly to engage them to work on-site as an ACOP. They may also choose to engage an ACOP through a third-party organisation that can provide them with an ACOP. Please note the PPA is unable to provide support to RACHs in finding an ACOP.

  5. The ACOP can start working at the RACH once the RACH application has been approved by the PPA.

  6. A record of contact with at least one community pharmacy should be retained by the RACH. Records must be kept in a manner that permits them to be conveniently and properly reviewed. See section 4.2 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules for more information.

  7. Yes. The RACH will need to give the pharmacy providing the ACOP 30 days notice of cessation of the partnership. The RACH must also inform the PPA of cessation of the partnership

  8. The RACH must have adopted or committed to adopting the electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) within 12 months. It is part of the ACOP’s role description to assist the RACH with the implementation of the eNRMC.

  9. ACOPs will be required to be credentialed and hold a valid credential number. In order to be credentialed, pharmacists must complete an ACOP training program accredited by the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC).

    See also FAQ on transition arrangements to participate in the Measure in section below, ACOP Credentialing, Responsibilities and Work Hours.

  10. Should the RACH decide to receive RMMR/QUM Program services instead of a pharmacist under the ACOP Measure the RACH can do so.

    Where new QUM/RMMR Service Agreements are provided to the PPA by the QUM/RMMR Service Providers, the PPA will end date the RACH’s ACOP Measure participation 30 days after the new QUM/RMMR Agreement start date. RACHs will still be able to claim for any days worked by their ACOP/s during this time (up to their monthly/annual FTE entitlement). Please note RACHs will need to consider what notice they must provide their ACOP prior to any cessation of employment/engagement.

  11. No, a RACH may choose to have the ACOP on-site for reduced hours that better suits the RACH’s needs. A regular working schedule must still be in place, in addition to the requirement for the ACOP to be on-site for half day (3.8 hours) blocks.

    For example, under the Measure a RACH may be eligible to have an ACOP on-site for a total of 20 days in a month, however the RACH may choose to have the ACOP on-site for a total of 15 days in that month.


  1. The amount of support, in terms of the ACOP FTE entitlement, that a RACH is eligible to receive corresponds to the number of beds at the RACH. See Table 1 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules for a breakdown of the FTE entitlement based on the number of beds at a RACH.

    There is a maximum number of on-site days that may be claimed by the RACH each month and financial year. The maximum number of on-site days that may be claimed is based upon the RACH’s:

    • FTE entitlement, based on the total RACH bed numbers, and;
    • A calculation regarding the maximum anticipated monthly/annual ACOP work days associated with that FTE entitlement.

    Note that total bed numbers refer to the maximum capacity of the RACH.

    Claims can only be made for days an ACOP actually spent time working on-site at the RACH under the Measure. Days not worked on-site due to annual leave, personal leave, public holidays or any other reason are not eligible for payment.

  2. Under Tier 2, the Measure funding will be paid to the RACH or RACH head office.

  3. The funding is designed to cover the pay and on-costs for ACOPs engaged under the Measure.

    The payment model in relation to the Measure has been designed to be flexible to support ACOPs engaged as either permanent employees, casual employees or contractors. In particular, the value of payments available under the Measure have been designed to ensure they are able to support the employment of permanent staff, including paying the ACOP during periods of annual leave, personal leave and on public holidays.

  4. RACHs will need to determine the appropriate salary or hourly rates for their ACOPs based upon their individual circumstances including the manner in which they intend to engage the ACOP, for example:

    • ACOPs employed as permanent employees will receive legislated leave entitlements and are likely to receive a lower hourly rate to recognise the periods for which they will be paid when not working. In determining the appropriate salary for a permanent employee, the RACH will need to consider the potential that the maximum payment amount is not received in any given year in circumstances where the employee takes one or more days of paid personal leave.
    • ACOPs engaged as casual or contract workers may be able to be paid a higher hourly rate, reflecting the fact the ACOP may not be entitled to leave entitlements and may not be paid when taking annual leave or when absent due to illness.

    Where a RACH agrees to engage an ACOP at a rate higher than the government funded amount, the additional payments to the ACOP (above funding provided through the Measure) would be funded by the employer.

  5. The funding and maximum payments outlined in Table 2 of the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules represent the totality of funding available under the Measure and no additional funds or financial incentives are available.

  6. No, travel time to the place of work i.e. the RACH, does not count as time on-site.

    Third-party businesses sourcing ACOPs for the RACH, cannot charge the RACH for any activities undertaken by that ACOP under the Measure. However, should the RACH wish to, they can provide funds to the ACOP for travel related costs associated with getting to and from the RACH. This would be at the expense of the RACH and is not considered to be part of the ACOP pay or on-costs associated with the Measure.

  7. The PPA is provided data on the number of funded operational beds at an eligible RACH by the Department of Health and Aged Care. The bed number reflects the total number of eligible beds at the RACH regardless of whether they are occupied by a resident. This bed number will be used to assign the RACH a bed band for claiming purposes.

  8. The bed bands and associated FTE allocated to each RACH will be based on bed number data provided to the PPA in June and December each year. Increased or decreased RACH ACOP FTE entitlements will be implemented for the first full month after the data is provided.

    For example, a bed number increase from 150 to 160 beds in December data will result in a higher bed band and an increase in associated FTE entitlement from 0.6 FTE to 0.8 FTE. This change will apply to the ACOP days able to be worked and claimed under the Measure. The change in FTE entitlement will apply from January.

ACOP Credentialing, On-site Responsibilities and Work Hours

  1. To support uptake of the Measure and transition of MMR credentialed pharmacists to an ACOP role, MMR credentialed pharmacists will be grandfathered as ACOP credentialed temporarily until 30 June 2025.

    MMR credentialed pharmacists will be required to commit to gaining an ACOP credential through an APC-accredited ACOP training program or an APC-accredited ACOP recognition of prior learning process within 12 months.
    From 1 July 2025 all pharmacists working in an ACOP role must hold an ACOP credential and have been issued with an ACOP Credential Number from their chosen training provider.

  2. The ACOP role description can be found here. The duties the ACOP is to undertake may differ at each RACH and should be discussed between the ACOP and the individual RACH, however must be consistent with the ACOP role description.

    Please note the PPA cannot provide any clinical advice or guidance regarding the specific activities listed in the ACOP role description.

    The ACOP will need to maintain a weekly timesheet and activities summary, to be signed by a RACH representative.

    The RACH engaging the ACOP will need to ensure that the weekly timesheet and activities summaries are retained for audit purposes. The RACH will be required to provide these records, as well as other relevant documents such as payslips, contracts of engagement etc, to the PPA if requested. 

  3. To ensure certainty and continuity of service, ACOPs must work to a regular schedule, as agreed with the RACH. ACOPs must work in either half day (3.8 hour) or full day shifts at the RACH.
    RACHs will be unable to claim for any less than half (0.5) day blocks. 

    The ACOP must be on-site on a weekly basis (excepting periods of Annual Leave). The days worked on-site each week do not need to be the same days each week but should be decided in advance and agreed with the RACH.

    If the RACH is located in a Modified Monash 5-7 location, the ACOP’s days over the month may be worked in a condensed period. For more detailed information, see section 5.3 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

  4. To ensure continuity of service, it is intended that in general, it should be the same ACOP or ACOPs working on-site at the RACH on a week-to-week basis. It is recognised that there may be staff turnover from time-to-time, however in scenarios where a third-party business is sourcing the ACOPs they should not be switching ACOPs at the same RACH on a regular basis. Specifically:

    • Where a RACH is entitled to 0.2 FTE based on their bed band, only one ACOP can be rostered to work on-site at the home.
    • In cases where the RACH is entitled to 0.4 FTE based on their bed band, a maximum of two different ACOPs can be rostered to share the role responsibilities.
    • In cases where the RACH is entitled to 0.6 FTE or more based on their bed numbers, a maximum of three different ACOPs can be rostered by the pharmacy to the RACH under the Measure to share the ACOP responsibilities.
  5. No, if a RACH is participating in the Measure, they are not able to have an active RMMR or QUM Service Agreement at the same time. The ACOP role incorporates medication management, such as day-to-day monitoring and review of residents’ medication and supporting prompt resolution of medication issues with local General Practitioners and the supplying pharmacy.

    QUM services to be claimed under the QUM Program, and RMMR services to be claimed under the RMMR Program cannot be undertaken by a pharmacist at any point in time in a RACH where they are also engaged as an ACOP for that RACH.

  6. All the ACOP’s activities need to be conducted on-site in the RACH. However, ACOPs can participate in RACH level Medication Advisory Committee (MAC) meetings if these are conducted virtually. A provision for a corporate level MAC meeting has not been implemented. Further details are provided in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

  7. Yes, obtaining employment in a RACH as an ACOP does not preclude other employment opportunities.

  8. Yes, working as an ACOP does not preclude other employment opportunities. The ACOP must work on-site in the RACH to a regular schedule as agreed with the RACH.

  9. The ACOP will undertake frequent and timely reviews of medications. Unlike the RMMR program, a referral from an eligible medical practitioner is not a requirement. It is expected that the ACOP will build collaboration with the health care team at the aged care home, including the GP.

    The ACOP will provide the results of any reviews of medications to the responsible GP and monitor for any action taken, recommending case conferencing if necessary.

    In addition, the ACOP will identify residents who may benefit from more frequent reviews of medications, including but not limited to:

    • Following hospitalisation
    • Following a specialist appointment
    • Following a fall.

RACH ACOP Measure Applications

  1. Please ensure you have first read the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules regarding participation and eligibility requirements.

    RACHs will first need to create a Service Provider account in the PPA Portal. This step must be done with someone who has the authority to register the RACH account, see FAQ 2 (below) for more details.

    Once the RACH has a PPA Portal account, a RACH application can be submitted for assessment.

    ACOPs must not commence work on-site under the Measure until either, the date the PPA has approved the RACH’s online application, or the intended start date in your application, whichever is the later date.

  2. The person who creates the RACH Service Provider account in the PPA Portal must have the authority to do this on behalf of the RACH e.g. the RACH Manager.

    This person will be known as the Main Authorised Person (MAP) for the RACH. The MAP will be the individual that ultimately has overall control of the RACH’s PPA Portal account, with the ability to modify details such as the bank details.

    The MAP must be a RACH authorised employee. They must not be an ACOP engaged to work at the RACH or an individual from a third-party assisting the RACH to source an ACOP.

    A letter on the RACH letterhead will need to be uploaded into the RACH Service Provider registration form confirming that the person creating the account has the authority to do so. An example letter can be found here.

  3. No, each individual RACH (i.e. in respect of each NAPS ID) is required to submit a separate application to participate in the Measure.

    Whether RACHs require one or two accounts/applications will depend on whether the whole RACH has one or two NAPS IDs. For example, where a home has a NAPS ID for one part of the home and a different NAPS ID for another part of the home, two separate accounts will be required in the PPA Portal, one for each NAPS ID.

    The FTE entitlement will then be calculated separately for each account based on the bed numbers associated with that NAPS ID.  Claims for on-site days will need to be made separately for each NAPS ID, however it may be the same ACOP(s) providing on-site days across both.

    Further information about the PPA Portal and registration process can be found in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 (RACH) Portal User Guide.

  4. Whether RACHs require one or two applications will depend on whether the entire home/facility has one or two NAPS IDs. For example, where a home has a NAPS ID for one part of the home and a different NAPS ID for another part of the home, two separate applications will be required, one for each NAPS ID, as they will need to register these as two separate accounts within the PPA Portal.

    The FTE entitlement will then be calculated separately for each account based on the bed numbers associated with that NAPS ID.  Claims for on-site days will need to be made separately for each NAPS ID, however it may be the same ACOP(s) providing on-site days across both.

  5. You will need to provide the RACH’s:

    • Name
    • National Approved Provider System (NAPS) ID
    • Address
    • ABN
    • Bank Details
    • Contact details.

    You will also need to upload a letter on RACH letterhead confirming you have the authority to create the RACH account on behalf of the RACH.

  6. You will need to upload a signed authority letter which is dated and written on RACH letterhead, from the RACH manager (or equivalent role) and the person they are authorising to manage the RACH account) on the PPA Portal. An example of this document can be found here.

    The person creating the RACH account must not be the credentialed pharmacist who will be working at the RACH under the Measure or an individual from a third-party organisation assisting the RACH to source an ACOP

  7. A detailed ACOP Measure Tier 2 (RACH) Portal User Guide containing information on how to create a Portal account can be found here.

    You will also need to upload a signed RACH Application Form using the template approved by the Department of Health and Aged Care. Please note signed RACH Application forms that are not in the approved template will be rejected by the PPA. The registration must have been approved in the PPA Portal before an ACOP can begin working at the RACH under the Measure.

  8. The RACH Application Form must always be signed by the RACH Manager.

    Where the RACH is part of a broader corporate or not-for-profit group it must also be signed by someone at the head office. This is to ensure that both the head office and staff at the RACH agree to the ACOP being engaged. 


  1. RACHs will submit a single monthly claim for each separate NAPS ID. Claims in respect of each calendar month are made in arrears and must be submitted by the end of the following calendar month.

    The monthly claim will require the RACH to confirm the details of the ACOP/s who worked on-site during the month and the number of days (whole or half days) worked by each ACOP.

    The RACH is not required to submit any invoices to the PPA for payment. Payments are generally made by the PPA within 3 business days of the monthly claim being approved.

  2. Claims are submitted in arrears by the RACH for days worked by the ACOP over a calendar month.

    Claims are due by the end of the calendar month after the on-site days have been worked, e.g. the monthly claim for on-site days worked in September would need to be submitted between the first and last day of October. Claims that are outside this timeframe, that are not eligible, or that do not meet the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules cannot be submitted and will not be paid.

  3. RACHs will be paid $606.50 (plus GST) for each day that an ACOP is working on-site at a RACH. The payment is intended for the cost of the ACOP including their pay and on-costs. See Funding/Remuneration FAQs above.

    There is a maximum number of on-site days that can be claimed each financial year by the RACH. The maximum number of on-site days that may be paid is based upon the RACH’s:

    • FTE entitlement, based on the number of RACH beds (refer to Section 5.6 and Table 2 below for details), and;
    • A calculation regarding the maximum anticipated annual ACOP work days associated with that FTE entitlement.

    Payments made under the Measure cannot be used for anything other than the ACOP’s pay including on-costs.

    For detailed information about payments to RACHs, please see section 6.1 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

  4. The PPA Portal will pay claims for days worked up to the RACH’s maximum monthly or financial year entitlement. This is based on:

    • The maximum number of days which could be worked in a month based on a regular working schedule and the RACH’s relevant FTE
    • The maximum number of days which could be worked in a financial year without exceeding the maximum annual payment amount.

    Claims containing days worked over the maximum monthly or financial year entitlement will receive an error message advising that the days claimed must not exceed the relevant maximum. For more information see section 6.1 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

  5. The ACOP must:

    • Maintain a weekly timesheet and activities summary. This must be signed by a RACH representative. A template can be found here. A copy must be kept by the ACOP for a period of no less than seven years after the request for payment.

    The RACH must:

    • Retain copies of the ACOP weekly timesheet and activities summary completed by the ACOP, signed by a RACH representative, for no less than seven years after the request for payment
    • Retain full and true records in relation to the engagement of the ACOP (contracts, payslips etc), for no less than seven years after the request for payment.

    Such records must be kept in a manner that permits them to be conveniently and properly audited.

  6. No, claims can only reflect actual time spent on-site performing services under the Measure. Where the ACOP was unable to work at the RACH, that day should not be claimed. If however, an alternative ACOP worked on-site during this time, these days can be counted and claimed. The alternative ACOP’s details will need to be entered into the claim form and evidence will need to be retained relating to their engagement. For more information please see section 6.2 in the ACOP Measure Tier 2 Rules.

  7. It is the RACH’s responsibility to notify the PPA and any ACOPs it engages of any upcoming changes to the RACH and its operational status (closure, merger) that might impact its eligibility for the Measure. Claims can only be submitted under the Measure for operational RACHs with a NAPS ID active at the time the ACOP worked on-site.

  8. Yes, provided the MBS item criteria is met in full, this includes that the service is clinically appropriate. A key role of an ACOP is to review residents’ medications regularly and resolve any issues identified promptly. This is expected to reduce (but may not eliminate) the need for RMMRs. 

    A RACH participating in the ACOP Measure cannot also have an RMMR service authorisation in place. This affects pharmacist access to funding and participation in the RMMR program, not a resident’s eligibility for a RMMR service. RMMRs not undertaken and claimed by pharmacists through the RMMR program are not subject to the rules and requirements of the RMMR program.

    Questions related to MBS items should be directed to the administrator of the Medicare Benefits Schedule, Services Australia. The PPA cannot provide specific information on MBS items.

  9. The Main Authorised Person (MAP) for the RACH’s PPA account can provide access to a ‘RACH Authorised Employee’ to submit claims. However, this individual cannot adjust the bank details provided by the MAP, and all ACOP funds must be received by the RACH or the RACH head office. It is the RACH’s responsibility to ensure the claims submitted are true and correct.